Cloud computing is trending. Companies big and small are using cloud-based digital products for everything from sales and logistics to inventory management and daily business activity. Cloud computing services can offer high-quality solutions at significant cost savings. So, what can it do for IT infrastructure?
True digital transformation requires continuous analysis and iteration. Before incorporating cloud IT infrastructure, review your options for improving utilization of resources, fortifying cybersecurity, and reducing costs.
Leverage SaaS to maximize resources
Digital transformation is more than a goal — it’s a journey. And cloud-based IT infrastructure is a significant step forward. Consider these questions about your current infrastructure setup:
- Is your current onsite, cloud-based, or hybrid IT infrastructure maximizing your enterprise’s opportunities for success?
- Would more agility in your company’s IT infrastructure improve service delivery or help to decrease expenses?
- What tools is your business deploying to monitor your technology and digital infrastructure? How effective are they?
One benefit of software-as-a-service (SaaS) models for IT infrastructure is the amount of time these comprehensive tools can save your operations team in their efforts to keep your business running smoothly. Digital transformation requires an agile IT and operations team to focus less on daily routine tasks and more on innovation. SaaS IT infrastructure models provide the next corporate agility upgrade many organizations need. SaaS solutions have been used to successfully manage human capital, finance, customer relationships, and of course, big data. Leveraging cloud-based intelligent management systems for your IT infrastructure may be your company’s best approach to maximizing internal resources.

Leveraging AI and ML to automate workflows
IT infrastructure automation reduces human interaction with network elements, including servers, data storage, and operating systems. The goal is to allow artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and machine learning (ML) to handle routine tasks for a more hands-off approach to daily operations. Cloud-based infrastructure automation tools can speed deployments, decrease expenses, and improve operational efficiencies. With features for terminating virtual machines when not in use or helping to manage unnecessary data storage, cloud-based tools can reduce costs by provisioning time and eliminating inconsistencies and redundancies that unnecessarily increase IT architecture complexity — increasing and improving standardization throughout your enterprise organization.
But AI and ML are not replacements for your IT and operations teams. In fact, the benefits for your company’s human element are arguably the most significant result of automation. Automating IT workflows frees your technology teams to focus on business value and high-quality product and service deployments instead of lower-level infrastructure management. Your IT teams go from maintenance technicians to innovation architects. How fast could your company’s digital transformation progress if your IT assets were focused on building product instead of troubleshooting?

Cybersecurity to protect your infrastructure
The latest data shows 77% of organizations have fallen victim to at least one cybercriminal attack. IT experts — trained to counter the relentless, ever-evolving threats from sophisticated cybercriminals — are the foundation of a strong cybersecurity culture. But there isn’t enough cybersecurity talent to go around, and rather than compete for IT talent in today’s chaotic job market, many small to midsized organizations report they do not make cybersecurity a priority.
But cybercriminal attacks are now heavily automated, and manual countermeasures significantly decrease the chances of successful defense against an ongoing threat. Automating defense measures decreases your company’s risk by responding to automated attacks at machine speeds. The latest cybersecurity automation tools even use predictive data analysis to determine where vulnerabilities lie and where potential attacks may occur.
Outsourced, cloud-based IT infrastructure can increase business efficiency, decrease expenses, fortify cybersecurity, and maximize your company’s digital transformation potential. Visit windzr.com to learn more about strategic IT sourcing for 2022 and beyond.